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Gruesome Magazine - Horror Movie Reviews and Interviews

Oct 29, 2019

This week, the Grue-Crew examines "the twist" with a pair of films that pull that rug out from under you. The first film this week, WOUNDS from director Babak Anvari, follows a bartender (Armie Hammer) who is drawn into unexplainable horrors after watching a snuff video on a phone left behind at this bar. The second...

Oct 22, 2019

This week, the Grue-Crew swing from comedic zombies to witchy-poo wannabees with a pair of streaming genre flicks. The first film this week, GWEN from director William McGregor, presents the industrial revolution as a horror film... maybe. The second film, LITTLE MONSTERS from director Abe Forsythe, pairs...

Oct 16, 2019

This week, the Grue-Crew celebrates the Slasher flick with a pair of films steeped in crimson chaos. The first film this week, THE FURIES from director Tony D'Aquino, set 6 "beauties" against 6 "beasts" in a battle of survival. The second film, TRICK from director Patrick Lussier, introduces the slasher named "Trick"...

Oct 10, 2019

This week, the Grue-Crew prepare their supply of holy water for battle against the possessed. The first film this week, ALONG CAME THE DEVIL II from director Jason DeVan, continues the story of Reverend Michael (Bruce Davison). The second film, MARY from director Michael Goi, follows Gary Oldman and family as...

Oct 2, 2019

This week, the Grue-Crew explores the fringes of the genre where horror swims alongside other genres. The first film this week, TIGERS ARE NOT AFRAID from director Issa Lopez, features a group of orphaned kids facing the horrors of the world around them. The second film, VILLAINS from directors Dan Berk and Robert...