Jun 30, 2021
Be sure to subscribe to the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel to catch all the HNR episodes.
This is HORROR NEWS RADIO, the official GRUESOME MAGAZINE podcast....
Jun 20, 2021
Tonight, we review TOO LATE (2021). Doc Rotten from Horror News Radio. Jeff Mohr from Decades of Horror: The Classic Era. And Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl from Decades of Horror: 1980s share their thoughts about this week's awesome collection of streaming horror films. Joining the crew is Horror News Radio...
Jun 19, 2021
Tonight, we review THE SUPERDEEP (2021, SHUDDER). Doc Rotten from Horror News Radio. Jeff Mohr from Decades of Horror: The Classic Era. And Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl from Decades of Horror: 1980s share their thoughts about this week's awesome collection of streaming horror films. Joining the crew is...
Jun 14, 2021
Tonight, we review STALKER (2021). Doc Rotten from Horror News Radio. Jeff Mohr from Decades of Horror: The Classic Era. And Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl from Decades of Horror: 1980s share their thoughts about this week's awesome collection of streaming horror films. Joining the crew is Horror News Radio...
Jun 14, 2021
Tonight, we review THE AMUSEMENT PARK (2021, SHUDDER). Doc Rotten from Horror News Radio. Jeff Mohr from Decades of Horror: The Classic Era. And Crystal Cleveland, the Livin6Dead6irl from Decades of Horror: 1980s share their thoughts about this week's awesome collection of streaming horror films. Joining the crew is...